《35》Medieval Hakata - The Battle of Tatarahama (Part 3)

《35》Medieval Hakata - The Battle of Tatarahama (Part 3)

《35》Medieval Hakata - The Battle of Tatarahama (Part 3)... The Battle of Tatarahama and the Crisis of Hakata

 - In the report of the excavation conducted at the former site of the Hakozaki campus of Kyushu University, it is written that "Hakozaki was also damaged in the battle of Tatarahama in 1336 (Kembu 3).

 - The report states that the excavations in the Hakozaki area are noteworthy for the spread of burnt clay that is thought to date from the late 13th to 14th centuries. "A layer of burnt clay was found on the northwest side of the dune, and there were many pieces of pottery with burned surfaces". " It cannot be denied that this may have been caused by the disaster at this time", and analyzes it as such.

 - In the previous article "Genko and the Crisis of Hakata (Part 1)", we introduced that Hakozaki Shrine was burned down during the "Battle of Bunei", and the city of Hakata suffered considerable damage in just one day. How was it during the Battle of Tatarahama?

 *This photo shows the current view of Hakozaki Shrine, taken on January 8, 2022. /



 - 九州大学の箱崎キャンパス跡地で実施された発掘調査の報告書の中に、「箱崎は、建武3年(1336)の多々良浜の戦いにおいても被災した。」と記されています。 

 - 同報告書では、箱崎周辺の発掘で「注目されるのは、13世紀後半から14世紀頃のものと考えられる焼土の広がりである。砂丘の北西側に焼土層が確認され、表面が焼きただれた陶磁器も多くみられる。」と言及し、「この時の被災によるものである可能性が否定できない。」と分析しています。

 - 以前ご紹介しました「元寇と博多の危機(その1)」で、「文永の役」では筥崎宮も焼失するなど、わずか1日で博多の市街地が相当な被害に遭ったことを述べました。多々良浜の戦いの際はどうだったのでしょうか。

