《55》Saga Journey - Nabatake Site (Part 2)...Pigs were raised there
- At the Nabatake site, along with the excavation of paddy field remains, a large amount of wooden farming tools such as Morote Hoe and Eburi, and harvesting tools such as stone knife and stone sickle were discovered. In addition, artifacts were unearthed indicating field cultivation, hunting, gathering, and fishing activities.
- These numerous discoveries were important because they showed that the early rice farming society was based on traditional Jomon period subsistence activities. There was more than just rice cultivation going on.
- It was also confirmed that pigs were raised in the area. This was an epoch-making discovery that made us realize once again the origin of Japanese agriculture, which was said to be "without cattle and horses in Wakoku", according to the Chinese history book "Gishiwajinden". /
- 菜畑遺跡では、水田遺構の発掘にともなって、諸手鍬(もろてぐわ)、えぶり等の木製農具や石包丁、石鎌等の収穫具なども多量に発見されました。併せて畑作、狩猟、採集、漁労活動を示す遺物も出土しました。
- これらのおびただしい発見は、初期の稲作社会が伝統的な縄文時代の生業活動の上に成り立っていたことを示すものとして重要でした。けっして稲作活動だけが行われていたわけではなかったのです。
- また、豚が飼育されていたことも確認されました。このことは、中国の歴史書「魏志倭人伝」により、「倭国は牛馬なし」といわれていた日本農業の原点を、改めて認識させる画期的な発見となりました。