《64》Saga Journey-Ureshino Onsen (Part 3)...Famous as one of " The three great hot springs for beautiful skin in Japan"
- Ureshino Onsen is also famous as "The three great hot springs for beautiful skin in Japan". The hot water of Ureshino Onsen contains a lot of sodium, which is said to smooth keratinized skin and revive it to a fresh skin.
- In addition to Ureshino Onsen, "Hinokami Onsen" in Shimane Prefecture and "Kitsuregawa Onsen" in Tochigi Prefecture are also selected as one of the three great hot springs for beautiful skin in Japan.
- Hinokami Onsen, which springs at the foot of Mt. Sentsu, known for the legend of Yamata no Orochi in Izumo mythology, has been familiar to many people since ancient times as a hot spring with high medicinal value.
- On the other hand, Kitsuregawa Onsen has a short history. In 1981, the town of Kitsuregawa developed the source for the purpose of revitalizing the town, starting with the opening of the Kitsuregawa No. 1 Onsen Bathhouse, a town-run day-trip bathing facility.
*Photograph shows the footbath("足湯") of Siebold at Ureshinomachi.
- 嬉野温泉は、「日本三代美肌の湯」としても有名です。嬉野温泉の湯にはナトリウムが多く含まれており、角質化した皮膚をなめらかにして、みずみずしい肌に蘇らせてくれると言われています。
- 嬉野温泉のほかに島根県の「斐乃上(ひのかみ)温泉」、栃木県の「喜連川(きつれがわ)温泉」も「日本三大美肌の湯」に選ばれています。
- 出雲神話のヤマタノオロチ伝説で知られる船通山の山麓に湧く斐乃上温泉は、薬効の高い温泉として古来から多くの人々に親しまれてきました。
- 一方、喜連川温泉は歴史が浅く、1981年、喜連川町が町おこしを目的として源泉開発を行い、町営の日帰り入浴施設「喜連川第1温泉浴場」を開設したのが始まりです。