《13》Hakata Dontaku Port Festival (Part 2)

《13》Hakata Dontaku Port Festival (Part 2)

《13》Hakata Dontaku Port Festival (Part 2)...Roots in Medieval Matsubayashi

- The roots of the Hakata Dontaku are believed to be in the Japanese folkloric event Matsubayashi, which dates back about 800 years.
Matsubayashi was originally a New Year's entertainment where merchants and samurai formed groups, dressed up beautifully, sang and danced, and celebrated by visiting houses.

- It is said that Hakata Matsuhayashi was developed from the ancient Matsuhayashi by the stylish and playful Hakata merchants. In "Chikuzennokunizokufudoki" written by Kaibara Ekiken in the Edo period (1603 - 1867), there is a legend from an old man that Matsubayashi was started in the Next New Year of 1179, the year of Tairano Shigemori's death, in order to repay him for his contribution to Hakata.

- In September 1595, Kamiya Soutan, a wealthy merchant in Hakata, recorded in his "Soutan Diary" that an untimely Matsubayashi was held at the castle of Kobayakawa Takakage (Najima Castle) in present-day Najima, Higashi Ward, Fukuoka City, to celebrate the adoption of Hideaki as his heir. /


- 博多どんたくのルーツは、約800年前の日本の民俗行事である松囃子とされています。松囃子とはもともと正月芸能で、町衆や侍衆が組を作り、美しく装って歌い踊り、家々に参人して祝ったものです。

- 粋で遊び心のある博多町人が古来の松囃子を発展させたものが「博多松囃子」と言われています。江戸時代の貝原益軒の『筑前国続風土記』に古老の言い伝えとして、博多に貴献(貢献)した平重盛の報恩のため、その没年である1179年の翌年正月に松囃子を始めたという記述が見えます。

- また博多の豪商である神屋宗湛は、1595年9月、現在の福岡市東区名島にあつた小早川隆景の居城(名島城)で、秀明が養嗣子に迎えられたことを祝う時季外れの松囃子が行われたという「宗湛日記」の記録も残っています。