《72》Rediscussion of Hakata Dolls (Part 7)

《72》Rediscussion of Hakata Dolls (Part 7)

《72》Rediscussion of Hakata Dolls (Part 7)Other Categories of Hakata Dolls

 - Other categories of Hakata dolls include children's dolls, which convey warmth and warmth, hina dolls for celebrating the coming of spring, good luck dolls to pray for good health and prosperous business, seasonal dolls to wish for healthy growth, and sports dolls in the form of sumo and kendo, traditional Japanese sports. These various types of Hakata dolls, which are the crystallization of traditional Japanese culture, richly express the world. /


 - 博多人形にはその他のジャンルとして、ぬくもりやあたたかさが伝わる童物のほかに、春の訪れを寿ぐ雛人形、無病息災や商売繁盛等を祈る縁起物、健やかに育つことを願う節句物、日本の伝統的な競技である相撲や剣道を形にしたスポーツ物などがあります。博多人形は日本の伝統的文化の結晶ともいうべき世界を豊かに表現しています。