《54》Saga Journey - Nabatake Site (Part 1)

《54》Saga Journey - Nabatake Site (Part 1)

《54》Saga Journey - Nabatake Site (Part 1)...The birthplace of rice cultivation in Japan


- There is another famous ancient site in Saga Prefecture. When did rice cultivation begin in Japan? The answer to this question can be found here at the Nabatake Site.


- The Nabatake Site, the birthplace of rice cultivation in Japan, is located in a hilly valley on the western edge of the Karatsu Plain in the urban area of Karatsu City (northern Saga Prefecture), and was discovered during road construction in 1979. However, because it was preserved deep underground, it has become a very important archaeological site that allows us to accurately understand the vegetation environment and cultivated plants of the time.

- Subsequent surveys have confirmed that the paddy field remains discovered in the late Jomon layer are the oldest in Japan, dating back to the beginning of rice cultivation 2,600 years ago. The Nabatake Site, which was designated as a national historic site, was another "great discovery of the century," comparable to the discovery of the Yoshinogari site in the Yayoi period.

*The photo shows the current landscape of Karatsu City. /


- 佐賀県にはもうひとつ有名な古代遺跡があります。日本の稲作はいつ頃から始まったのでしょうか。その答えを示すものが、ここ菜畑遺跡です。


 - 日本稲作発祥の地である「菜畑遺跡」は、唐津市(佐賀県北部)の市街地、唐津平野の西端にあたる丘陵地の谷間にありました。1979年に道路工事中に見つかった遺跡ですが、地下深く保存されていたことで、当時の植生環境から栽培植物まで正確に知ることができる大変重要な遺跡となりました。


- その後の調査により縄文晩期の層から発見された水田遺構は、稲作開始が2600年前までさかのぼる、日本最古の時期のものと確認されました。国指定史跡となった菜畑遺跡は、弥生時代の吉野ヶ里遺跡の発見に匹敵する、もうひとつの「世紀の大発見」でした。