《52》Saga Journey - Yoshinogari Site (Part 3)...Yoshinogari Site and "Gishiwajinden"
- In 1988, a bronze sword and a glass bead were unearthed from inside a coffin in the center of the mound tomb. In addition, one of the largest moat encircling settlements of the Yayoi period in Japan was discovered to the south of the mound tomb.
- These discoveries indicate that Yoshinogari in the late Yayoi period (1st to 3rd century) was an urban settlement where the burials in the tombs were the ancestors, and fortified josaku (an official defense site) with living quarters and watchtowers was built to the south of the tombs, and warehouses were located outside the fence.
- The importance of the Yoshinogari site was recognized in the Chinese history book "Gishiwajinden" written at the end of the 3rd century, which said, "The palace, the tower, and the josaku (an official defense site) are strictly built.In addition, there are always soldiers guarding the palace". This is in line with the description of Japan in the Chinese history book "Gishiwajinden". The authenticity of the "Gishiwajinden" has suddenly increased. /
- 1988年に墳丘墓の中央部の棺内から銅剣とガラス製管玉が出土しました。さらに墳丘墓の南に国内最大級の弥生時代の環濠集落が発見されたのです。
- この発見により弥生時代後期(1~3世紀)の吉野ヶ里は、墳丘墓の被葬者を始祖として、その南側に居住区をおき、物見櫓を備えた城柵をめぐらし、また城柵の外側に倉庫を配するという都市的集落を形成していたことがわかりました。
- 吉野ヶ里遺跡の重要性は、3世紀末に著された中国の歴史書「魏志倭人伝」に「宮室、楼観、城柵を厳かに設けている。また常に兵がいて守衛している。」と記している倭国(日本)の記述と一致することです。「魏志倭人伝」の信憑性がにわかに高まりました。