《78》The Dawn of Early Modern Hakata and Hakata Merchants (Part 2)

《78》The Dawn of Early Modern Hakata and Hakata Merchants (Part 2)

《78》The Dawn of Early Modern Hakata and Hakata Merchants (Part 2)... Taiko Machiwari and Kamiya Sotan

- On June 10, 1587, Toyotomi Hideyoshi boarded a Nanban ship named Fusta and, after viewing the ruined city of Hakata from Hakata Bay, went ashore to inspect the city. Accompanying him was Kamiya Sotan, a wealthy merchant in Hakata who was so favored by Hideyoshi that he was nicknamed "Tsukushi-no-bouzu".

- For Hideyoshi, who was planning to march to the Continent, Hakata was an important base for supplying supplies to the war zone. The reconstruction of Hakata was desired not only by the Hakata merchants, but above all by Hideyoshi himself. The year before his arrival in Hakata, Hisano Shihei, under orders from Hideyoshi, had already determined the area of the town, surveyed it, and drawn up a plan for its layout.

- Hideyoshi, taking into consideration the opinions of Sotan, Shimai Soshitsu, another wealthy merchant of Hakata, and other old people of the town, laid out the town boundaries with the Ishidogawa (Mikasa River) as the eastern limit, the Hakata River as the western limit, the moats and depressions around Tsujinodo as the southern limit, and the southern part of Ohama (the coast line at the time) as the northern limit. This was the famous "Taiko Machiwari" .

*This photo shows Hakata Taihaku Dori heading toward Okinohama (former Hakata City District). /



- 1587年610日、豊臣秀吉はフスタという南蛮船に乗り、博多湾から廃墟と化した博多の街を一望した後、上陸して街中を視察しました。そのとき同行したのが秀吉に「筑紫ノ坊主」と愛称されるほど気に入られていた博多の豪商・神屋宗湛でした。

- 大陸への出兵を計画していた秀吉にとって、博多は戦地への物資補給基地として重要な意味を持つ拠点です。博多の復興は博多商人のみならず、なによりも秀吉自身が望んだことでした。博多入りの前年には、秀吉の命令により久野四兵衛がすでに町域を決め、測量と町割りの計画を作成しておりました。

- 秀吉は宗湛や同じく博多の豪商である嶋井宗室、街の古老たちの意見を取り入れながら、石堂川(御笠川)を東の限度、博多川を西の限度に、さらに辻の堂一帯の堀やくぼ地を南の限度、北は大浜の南部(当時の海岸線)を限度とした区画整備を実施しました。これが有名な「太閤町割り」といわれるものでした。
