《74》Rediscussion of Hakata Dolls (Part 9)… The Okina and Noh of Hakata Dolls (continued)
- In the aforementioned Rediscussion of Hakata Dolls (Part.8), I described that "Shikisanban" (another name for "Okina") was created during the reign of Emperor Murakami, who reigned in the middle of the 10th century. This indicates that "Okina" is a Noh play that has been handed down from an older period, more than 1,000 years ago.
- The "Shikisanban" written by Zeami refers to three pieces, Chichinojo, Okina and Sanbasarugaku, each of which was performed in a set of three pieces, in which an aged deity danced to pray for longevity and happiness.
- Later, Chichinojo was no longer performed, and in current Noh plays, it is performed in the order of Okina (Shite, the main actor), Chitose, and Sanbaso. /
- 前述の博多人形再論(その8)で、「式三番」(「翁」の別称)が村上天皇の時代に作られたと記述しましたが、村上天皇は10世紀の中頃に在位した天皇です。このことから、「翁」は千年以上前の古い時代から伝わる能楽であることがわかります。
- 世阿弥が記した「式三番」は、父尉(ちちのじょう)、翁、三番猿楽(さんばさるがく)という、それぞれ老体の神が寿福を祈願して舞う三番の曲を指し、三曲一組で演じられました。
- 後に父尉は演じられなくなり、現在の能楽では翁(主役=シテ)・千歳・三番叟の順に舞うかたちとなっています。