《62》Saga Journey - Ureshino Onsen (Part 1)...Ureshino Onsen(Ureshino Hot Spring) originated from Empress Jingu
- Once upon a time, It is said that the Ureshino Onsen (Ureshino City, Saga Prefecture) originated when Empress Jingu stopped by this area on her way back from an expedition and found a hot spring in the river where white cranes were flying away in high spirits.
- It is also said that the name of the place originated from the fact that Empress Jingu, pleased that the hot spring water healed the wounds of wounded soldiers, said, "Ana, Ureshino"(meaning "Oh, I'm so glad!").
-Empress Jingu is a legendary figure who appears in the "Kiki"(Kiki' is a collective term for Kojiki and Nihon Shoki. Both books are histories of Japanese mythology and Ancient times). And she was the empress of the 14th Emperor Chuai. She succeeded Emperor Chuai, who died during the conquest of Kumaso, and went on an expedition to Silla while pregnant with the Emperor's prince. After returning to Japan, she gave birth to Emperor Ojin and reigned as regent for 69 years until his accession to the throne. /
- その昔、神功皇后が遠征の帰途にこの地に立ち寄ったところ、川中に温泉が湧いていて白鶴が元気に飛び立っていくのを発見したのが、嬉野温泉(佐賀県嬉野市)の始まりとされています。
- またその湯が負傷した兵士の傷を癒したのを喜んで、神功皇后が「あな、うれしの」といったことが、地名の由来ともいわれています。
- 神功皇后は、「記紀」(日本書紀と古事記の総称)に登場する伝説的人物で、第14代仲哀天皇の皇后でした。熊襲征討の途中で崩御した仲哀天皇の後を受け、天皇の皇子を懐妊したまま新羅に遠征。帰国後、応神天皇を産み、その即位までの69年間、摂政として国政に君臨したとされています。