《87》The Dawn of Early Modern Hakata and Hakata Merchants (Part 11)

《87》The Dawn of Early Modern Hakata and Hakata Merchants (Part 11)

《87》The Dawn of Early Modern Hakata and Hakata Merchants (Part 11) .... Shimai Soshitsu and Voyage to Korea

 - On the other hand, Shimai Soshitsu was deeply involved with Toyotomi Hideyoshi after his unification of Japan. In preparation for Hideyoshi's invasion of Korea (during the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592), Soshitsu often went to Korea. He seems to have been active in inspecting the state of affairs in Korea at the time and assisting in negotiations with Korea.

 - As an example, there is a record that in 1589, Soshitsu went to Korea as an envoy of warlord Konishi Yukinaga (1558-1600) together with Sou Yoshitomo (lord of Tsushima ) (a letter from Yukinaga to Asano Nagamasa, dated November 8 of the same year). The letter reads, "As Soshitsu will return to Japan today and tomorrow, I intend to accompany him to the capital to report to Hideyoshi-sama on the state of affairs in Korea.

 - As another example, there is a record of Soshitsu's voyage to Korea (a letter dated January 25 of the same year from Ishida Mitsunari, Hideyoshi's magistrate, to the Hakata camp commander) just before the Bunroku War that began in April 1592. It says, "Soshitsu went to Korea on the orders of Hideyoshi-sama. Therefore, no one is allowed to take up a position at Soshitsu's house in Hakata ". It seems that Soshitsu had a wide range of personal connections.

* The photo shows a view of Tsushima with the Korean Peninsula in the distance. /


 - 一方で島井宗室は天下統一後の豊臣秀吉とも深くかかわりました。秀吉の命によって行われた朝鮮出兵(文禄・慶長の役)にあたり、宗室はその準備のためにたびたび朝鮮に渡航しています。当時の朝鮮の国情視察や朝鮮交渉の補佐役として活躍していたようです。

 - その一例として、1589年に宗室が武将小西行長(1558-1600)の使者として宗義智(対馬の領主)と共に渡航した記録(同年118日付の行長が浅野長政にあてた書状)が残っています。「今日明日中には宗室が帰国するから、同人を伴い上洛して朝鮮の国情を秀吉様に報告するつもりだ。」という趣旨の書状です。

 - もうひとつの例として、文禄の役が15924月に始まる直前にも、宗室が朝鮮に渡航していた記録(同年正月25日付で秀吉の奉行人石田三成から博多の陣取衆に充てた書状)があります。それには「宗室は御用を仰せつけられて朝鮮に渡海した。だから宗室の博多の宿所には誰も陣取ってはいけない。」と書かれていました。宗室には実に幅広い人脈があったようです。