《50》Saga Journey - Yoshinogari Site (Part 1)

《50》Saga Journey - Yoshinogari Site (Part 1)

《50》Saga Journey - Yoshinogari Site (Part 1)...The Great Discovery of the Century in Yoshinogari

 - Yoshinogari is located in the middle of the peaceful countryside of the fertile Saga Plain, with the gently sloping ridges of the Sefuri Mountains in the north and the Ariake Sea in the south. There, a "great discovery of the century" was made.

 - The full-scale excavation of the Yoshinogari site began in 1986 and lasted for about three years, during which time important remains and buried objects were unearthed one after another, far exceeding expectations in ancient history.

 - These discovered include a large Yayoi period village with a moat and fence, a huge mound tomb, and a large number of unearthed artifacts such as Kamekan("Jar burial"), human bones, bronze swords, molding (for casting bronze and iron vessels), and Kudatama("glass beads") which are all extremely valuable. /


 - 吉野ヶ里は、北になだらかな稜線を描く背振山地、南は有明海まで続く肥沃な佐賀平野ののどかな田園地帯の真ん中にあります。そこで「世紀の大発見」がありました。

  - 1986年から始まった吉野ヶ里遺跡の本格的な発掘調査は約3年におよび、 その間に予想をはるかに超える、古代史上重要な遺構や埋蔵物が次々と出土しました。

  - 濠と城柵をめぐらした大規模な弥生時代の集落、巨大な墳丘墓と出土した夥しいカメ棺や人骨、銅剣、鋳型(青銅器や鉄器を鋳造するための型)、ガラス製管玉など、他に類を見ない貴重な発見が相次ぎました。