《79》The Dawn of Early Modern Hakata and Hakata Merchants (Part 3)

《79》The Dawn of Early Modern Hakata and Hakata Merchants (Part 3)

《79》The Dawn of Early Modern Hakata and Hakata Merchants (Part 3)...Hakata Kenjo and Kamiya Sotan

 - The tool used in the surveying of the Taiko Machiwari was called "Hakata Kenjo" , a surveying tool about 2 meters in length. It is said that Sotan Kamiya played an important role in Toyotomi Hideyoshi's "Taiko Machiwari" and personally went around the streets with a measuring stick.

 - The Hakata Kenjo said to have been used by Sotan was preserved as a shrine treasure at Toyokuni Shrine, which was dedicated to Hideyoshi, but was destroyed in an air raid in Fukuoka at the end of World War II. A replica of the cane is now on display at the Hakata History Museum of Kushida Shrine in Kamikawabatamachi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City.

 - Sotan was given a residential land with a frontage of 13.5 ken and a depth of 30 ken by Hideyoshi at the time of the Taiko Machiwari planning. Toyokuni Shrine was originally a shrine built in Sotan's residence after Hideyoshi's death. Eventually, Toyokuni Shrine was reconstructed on the site of Sotan's residence. The site of Sotan's residence is now located in the vicinity of Hakata Elementary School in Naraya-cho, Hakata-ku. 

*The photo shows Hakata Elementary School, where the remains of Kamiya Sotan's residence are located.



 - 太閤町割りの測量に使われた道具は、長さ約2メートルの測量具で「博多間杖(はかたけんじょう)」と呼ばれています。神屋宗湛は豊臣秀吉の「太閤町割り」でも重要な役割を果たし、自ら物差しを持って通りを計測して回ったと言われています。

 - 宗湛が使用したとされる博多間杖が、秀吉を祭っていた豊国神社に社宝として保存されていたのですが、第2次世界大戦の末期の福岡大空襲で焼失しました。現在は福岡市博多区上川端町の櫛田神社「博多歴史館」にその複製が展示されています。

 - 宗湛は太閤町割りの際、当地に間口13間半、奥行30間の宅地を秀吉より与えられました。豊国神社はもともと宗湛の屋敷内に、秀吉亡き後建立された祠でした。やがて宗湛の屋敷跡に豊国神社が再建されました。宗湛の屋敷跡は現在の博多区奈良屋町の博多小学校周辺にあります。
