《80》The Dawn of Early Modern Hakata and Hakata Merchants (Part 4)

《80》The Dawn of Early Modern Hakata and Hakata Merchants (Part 4)

《80》The Dawn of Early Modern Hakata and Hakata Merchants (Part 4)... Houkoku Shrine and Kamiya Sotan

 - Today, I took a picture of Houkoku Shrine, which stands on the site of Kamiya Sotan's residence. How do you like it?

 - As mentioned in the previous article, Houkoku Shrine was originally a shrine built in Sotan's residence after Hideyoshi's death. The Kamiya family must have enshrined the shrine quietly on a daily basis while avoiding the eyes of the Tokugawas of the time.

 - Hideyoshi Toyotomi (1537-1598), the ruler of Japan, and Sotan Kamiya (1551-1635), a wealthy merchant in Hakata, were lifelong allies, transcending differences in status and age. This will be described later. /


 - 今日、神屋宗湛の屋敷跡に建つ「豊国神社」を撮影してみました。いかがでしょうか。

 - 前回の記事でご紹介したとおり、豊国神社はもともと宗湛の屋敷内に、秀吉亡き後建立された祠でした。神屋家は当時の徳川方の目を避けつつ日々ひっそりと祀ったことでしょう。

 - 天下人の豊臣秀吉(1537-1598)と博多の豪商であった神屋宗湛(1551-1635)は身分や年齢差を超えた生涯の盟友でした。このことは後日改めて記述します。