《28》Medieval Hakata - Xie Guoming (Part 2)

《28》Medieval Hakata - Xie Guoming (Part 2)

《28》Medieval Hakata - Xie Guoming (Part 2)...Xie Guoming's Relief for the Poor and Un-soba (Luck soba) on New Year's Eve

- There are many customs for welcoming the new year, but one of the most important is to eat Toshikoshi-soba (New Year's Soba) to wish for good luck in the coming year. In Hakata, we call it "Un-soba (Luck soba)".

- One year, when the people of Hakata were suffering from starvation due to a famine and a bad plague, Xie Guoming used his savings of buckwheat and wheat flour to distribute "kayu no mochi ( soba-gaki )" in the precincts of Jotenji Temple.

- This was on Omisoka (New Year's Eve), and it gave the people of Hakata hope for the new year. Since then, it is said that the people of Hakata began to eat "Un-soba (Luck soba)" on the night of Omisoka.

*The photo shows a monument in the precincts of Jotenji Temple that tells the origin of udon and soba. /


- 新しい年を迎えるにあたって習慣はいろいろありますが、中でも来る年の幸運を願って食べる「年越しそば」は欠かせないものです。博多ではこれを「運そば」と呼んでいます。

- ある年、飢饉と悪疫で飢えに苦しんでいた博多の町民に、謝国明は蓄えていたそば粉や麦粉を持ち出して承天寺の境内で「かゆの餅」(そばがき)を振る舞いました。

- それは大みそかのことで、これにより正月を目前にした博多の人々は新しい年の希望を取り戻したのです。以来、博多の人々は大みそかの夜に「運そば」を食べるようになったと伝えられています。
